Australian surfer injured as dolphin slams into him

Australian surfer injured as dolphin slams into him

SYDNEY: A surfer in Australia was airlifted to hospital Monday after a dolphin slammed into him as he was riding a wave at a remote beach.
The 27-year-old man was on his body board, or boogie board, at Bawley Point, 250 kilometres (155 miles) south of Sydney, when the collision occurred.
"He has come over a wave and as he did so, a dolphin has come through and hit him in the pelvic area," New South Wales Ambulance duty operations manager Wayne Dunlop said.
"The force has been enough to tear the patient's wetsuit."
Paramedics treated the man, who had made his way out of the water, at the scene before he was airlifted to a hospital in Sydney.  
Dunlop said the full extent of his injuries was unknown and he would require further assessment.
While shark attacks sometimes occur around Australia, incidents involving other marine animals are not common.
In July last year a surfer was knocked unconscious when he got too close to a whale at Bondi Beach in Sydney.-AFP

Five babies a day left at Chinese city's 'baby hatch'

Five babies a day left at Chinese city's 'baby hatch'

BEIJING: More than 260 unwanted children, most of them babies, have been abandoned in a Chinese "safe haven" in just over six weeks - more than five a day - since it opened in late January, authorities said.
The "baby hatch" in Guangzhou, in the southern province of Guangdong, was suspended on Sunday after the city's welfare home exceeded its capacity to handle new arrivals.
All of those abandoned suffered from illnesses including cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome and congenital heart disease, and 67 percent of them were less than a year old, the Bureau of Civil Affairs of Guangzhou Municipality said.
The facility was set up in late January and 262 children had been abandoned at it by Sunday morning, it said in a statement.
The 1,000-bed welfare home was housing 1,121 residents, with another 1,274 being cared for by foster families, the statement issued Sunday said.
Its quarantine facilities were "not enough to meet the demand" and wards that had previously held 50 children were now caring for 80 to 100, it added.
China has set up 25 baby safe havens in 10 provinces and major cities since June 2011 and plans to roll out the facilities to most of the country, the official Xinhua news agency reported in February.
The havens - introduced to reduce the risks of children dying after being abandoned in the street - usually have an incubator, a delayed alarm device, an air conditioner and a baby bed, that report said.
Welfare staff retrieve a baby five to 10 minutes after a person leaves the child and presses the alarm button, allowing families to give up the infant safely and anonymously.
Many babies are given up because parents cannot afford expensive medical bills and fees for special education, it said.
A disabled child can be a huge drain on a family's resources, and although the country's one-child policy normally allows parents to have another baby if their first is disabled, the restrictions can be a factor in other abandonments.
Anyone leaving a child at the Guangzhou safe haven will now be reported to police, the city statement said. Any re-opening will be announced at a later date, it added.
"Losing the care and love of the family at a young age will cause lifetime psychological damage to a child," it cited the head of the welfare home, Xu Jiu, as saying. "And abandoning children is illegal. I hope parents who want to do so think prudently before acting." - AFP

Kualiti udara di seluruh negara semakin pulih

Kualiti udara di seluruh negara semakin pulih

KUALA LUMPUR 17 Mac - Kualiti udara di seluruh negara semakin pulih dan tiada kawasan merekodkan bacaan Indeks Pencemaran Udara (IPU) tidak sihat setakat pukul 6 pagi ini.
Menurut senarai bacaan IPU dikeluarkan Jabatan Alam Sekitar (JAS), 11 kawasan mencatat IPU sederhana baik manakala 41 kawasan mencatat bacaan baik.
Kawasan mencatat bacaan sederhana antaranya Muar (57), Kangar (53), Kuala Selangor (60) dan Putrajaya (68) sementara kawasan merekodkan bacaan baik ialah Kuala Terengganu (24), Kuching (19), Seri Manjung (21) dan Alor Setar (47).
Bacaan IPU antara 0 dan 50 dikategori sebagai baik, 51 hingga 100 (sederhana), 101 ke 200 (tidak sihat), 201 hingga 300 (sangat tidak sihat) dan 300 ke atas (bahaya).

Empat pelajar hilang semasa turun Gunung Bubu

Empat pelajar hilang semasa turun Gunung Bubu

IPOH 17 Mac - Empat pelajar Sekolah Menengah Vokasional Padang Rengas dipercayai sesat ketika dalam perjalanan turun dari Gunung Bubu, Ulu Kenas dekat Kuala Kangsar, semalam.
Ketua Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Kuala Kangsar, Ismail Darus berkata, kehilangan pelajar terbabit yang terdiri daripada tiga pelajar lelaki dan seorang pelajar perempuan berusia 17 tahun itu disedari oleh guru pengiring kira-kira pukul 2.30 petang.
Katanya, pihaknya menjalankan operasi mencari dan menyelamat sebaik menerima panggilan kecemasan pada pukul 10.16 malam. - UTUSAN ONLINE

Bayi melecur akibat salah ubat, meninggal dunia pagi tadi

Bayi melecur akibat salah ubat, meninggal dunia pagi tadi

ALOR SETAR 17 Mac - Seorang bayi lelaki berusia lapan bulan yang melecur selepas menggunakan ubat diberikan sebuah klinik swasta di sini pada 16 Februari lalu meninggal dunia di Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah (HSB) awal pagi tadi.
Bayi malang itu, Muhammad Nasrullah Khairul Nizam meninggal dunia di Unit Rawatan Rapi HSB pada pukul 1.25 pagi.
Jenazah Muhammad Nasrullah dikebumikan di perkuburan Islam Masjid Pematang Buluh, Kota Sarang Semut dekat sini pada pukul 9 pagi tadi.
Pada 1 Mac lalu, akhbar ini melaporkan seorang bapa mendakwa sebuah klinik swasta cuai merawat penyakit ruam bayinya yang berusia lapan bulan sehingga menyebabkan kulit di seluruh tubuh anaknya melecur.
Khairul Nizam Lebai Jusoh, 41, mendakwa, dia membawa bayinya, Muhammad Nasrullah ke klinik berkenaan pada 16 Februari lalu untuk mendapatkan rawatan penyakit ruam yang dialami anaknya itu di bahagian paha dan perut. - UTUSAN ONLINE